Refugee Women: Key to the Global Compact on Refugees Logo
Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Developed by Associate Professor Eileen Pittaway and Dr Linda Bartolomei, Graphics by Damayanthi Muthukumarage, Website by Anja Wendt

D. Age 25-50 Pledges

Intersecting issues which must be addressed to provide comprehensive protection for Women 25 – 50

This group report a high incidence of family and domestic violence. There are reports of a high incidence of suicide in this age group. They are less likely to have received education than younger girls, they, therefore, have little access to safe employment. As with all groups of women, they lack access to safe shelter and basic needs and education. This group takes prime responsibility for the care of children, older relatives and people with a disability.  If their husbands have been killed or are absent, they are effectively the head of the family. Many are traumatised because of the refugee experience and long exposure to conflict and endemic sexual abuse. Many have lost children in conflict or flight. Their husbands are often also traumatised and feel inadequate to care for their families. This leads to further violence. While these things can impede their access to participate in meetings and decision making, they are also strong and resilient and are often first responders in times of crisis, and take a lead role in keeping communities functioning. Their lack of education excludes them from some durable solutions, and if they are married, most husbands make decisions on behalf of families. Many women still do not have individual registration and are totally dependent on their husbands. Women who were raped in conflict are sometimes forced to return to home countries where people in control, such as the police are often the men who have raped them. When returning, women find it difficult to retake land and property which belonged to their families prior to flight. Members of LGBTIQ communities are marginalised and excluded and many are forced to sell sex to survive. Women in this age group who have a disability struggle to find services or livelihoods, or even information about what is happening, such as in the COVID-19 pandemic, and often live excluded from community life.

Example pledge to effectively address the needs of Women 25 – 50

Member States and other stakeholders could include all or some of the following Language in pledges to address the need of this group. 

Acknowledging that this is one of the groups who because of their caring responsibilities, and historic lack of access to education have the least access to services that offer protection, we, X State, X Stakeholder commit to the provision of pathways to adult learning, education and training that could lead to safe livelihoods and participation.    Steps will be taken to make sure that the lived experience, skills and knowledge of this group is respected in the decision-making process  We will ensure safe shelter and access to all services and facilities is provided for single women and parents whatever the reason for their status.  SGBV services will be increased, and steps taken to ensure that this cohort of women has accessible information and support if needed.  Women who have been forced to sell sex to cover basic needs and provide for their families will be offered services to build better futures.  Married women will be provided with their own registration and access to food, cash when applicable,  and non-food items.  Age-specific medical treatment will be provided by female doctors, and psychosocial support services are available, with counsellors trained in suicide prevention.