Refugee Women: Key to the Global Compact on Refugees Logo
Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Developed by Associate Professor Eileen Pittaway and Dr Linda Bartolomei, Graphics by Damayanthi Muthukumarage, Website by Anja Wendt

5. Protection Capacity Pledges

Drafting AGD Sensitive Pledges to Strengthen Protection Capacity, including Protection from Violence, GBV and discrimination, documentation and data collection

Issues and responses to include in new pledges:

  • That all refugees who are victims of criminal acts, including survivors of all forms of sexual and gender based, feel safe to report cases and have access to functioning and accessible justice systems in which all perpetrators are held to account.
  • That support and resources be provided to women’s community-based organisations (CBOs) for shelters and long-term solutions for all women and girls who have to leave abusive and violent relationships, and that refugee women and girls be leaders in designing and implementing these services. Shelters should be safe and accessible for women and girls with a disability, Indigenous women and girls, and lesbian, bisexual and transgender women and girls.
  • That all displaced and Stateless women and girls have access to individual registration documents including birth registration for all their children.
  • That a rigorous system of gender, age, disability and diversity disaggregated data collection be developed for all refugee situations reflected in the four pillars of the comprehensive refugee response framework, to identify needs in the areas of education, health, shelter, livelihoods, access to justice and incidents of SGBV, and to inform responses to these.
  • That simple, user-friendly data collection systems which reflect an age, gender, disability and diversity approach, (including the incidence of SGBV) be developed and training provided to all key stakeholders to ensure that they are used in all settings.
  • That all member states have a women’s mechanism in place and that this include a focus on all displaced women and girls. Particular attention should be paid to addressing the barriers that women and girls with a disability, Indigenous women and girls, and lesbian, bisexual and transgender women and girls face in accessing mainstream services.
  • That all key stakeholders, INGOs, NGOs and other key agencies have a gender focal point and relevant policies in place.

Examples of possible pledges:

A pledge inclusive of Women and Girls across all Age and Diversity Groups:

We x donor commit to providing flexible funding to Refugee Women’s Community-based organisations to support the development of inclusive local level SGBV response and prevention services. This will include funding for capacity building training on age, gender and diversity principles and support for safe and accessible shelters which will meet the needs of all women and girls including women and girls with a disability, Indigenous women and girls, and lesbian, bisexual and transgender women and girls. This Pledge will address …… Plus issues from above. 

    A pledge inclusive of all AGD groups:

    We x coalition commit to develop a rigorous system of gender, age, disability and diversity disaggregated data collection all refugee situations reflected in the four pillars of the comprehensive refugee response framework, to identify needs in the areas of education, health, shelter, livelihoods, access to justice and incidents of SGBV, and to inform responses to these. This Pledge will address …… Plus issues from above.