Drafting AGD Sensitive Pledges Promoting access to Energy and Infrastructure, including Health, Shelter, WASH Facilities, Food and Water
Issues and responses to include in new pledges:
- That sufficient long-term dedicated funding is made available for safe, accessible and secure long-term shelters or half-way houses and coordinated follow-up, counselling, physical and medical assistance for all women and girls who have suffered abuse or who are vulnerable to abuse. Shelters should be safe and accessible for women and girls with a disability, Indigenous women and girls, and lesbian, bisexual and transgender women and girls.
- That food rations or cash provided for food meets the World Food Program minimum standard in all refugee situations and that safe collection points and distribution systems be developed for women and girls at risk, those with a disability and the elderly.
- That women are specifically included as active participants in all discussion, project development, implementation and monitoring of measures taken to increase access to energy and to provide better health infrastructure, including access to reproductive health and rights for all women and girls.
- That separate, accessible and secure recreational and meeting spaces be provided for women, and adolescent girls.
- That secure, well-lit and separate toilets and bathing spaces with private entrances where possible linked to women friendly spaces in camps, be provided for women and girls.
- That women and girls be provided with regular and sustainable sources of cooking fuel to prevent the risks associated with firewood collection or being forced to exchange sex for cooking gas. This should include assistance for elderly women and women and girls with a disability.
Examples of possible pledges:
A pledge inclusive of Women and Girls across all Age and Diversity Groups:
We x INGO commit to working with refugee women’s CBOs to develop new and innovative approaches to energy provision in displacement settings to ensure that all women and girls have access to sustainable sources of cooking fuel to prevent the risks associated with firewood collection or being forced to exchange sex for cooking gas. This will include strategies to support safe access by elderly women and women and girls with a disability. This Pledge will address …… Plus issues from above.
A pledge inclusive of all AGD groups:
We x WASH NGO commit to always including representatives of refugee women’s and men’s CBOs in all camp planning activities in order to ensure that all water and sanitation facilities are safe for all women and girls and accessible for the elderly and those with a disability. This Pledge will address …… Plus issues from above.