Refugee Women: Key to the Global Compact on Refugees Logo
Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Developed by Associate Professor Eileen Pittaway and Dr Linda Bartolomei, Graphics by Damayanthi Muthukumarage, Website by Anja Wendt

2. Education Pledges

Drafting AGD Sensitive Pledges Promoting access to Education for women and girls

Issues and responses to include in new pledges:

  • That access to inclusive education for all girls be funded as a key protection measure to reduce risks of SGBV and as a strategy to reduce the incidence of early and forced marriage. This should include particular attention to the needs of adolescent girls, girls with a disability, Indigenous and Stateless girls and lesbian, bisexual and transgender girls.
  • That gender inclusion and equality policies be developed and specific provisions funded to support all displaced girls and women to have access to inclusive quality educational opportunities at all levels from pre-school through to university. Targeted programs to address the educational needs, including digital literacy skills, of pre-literate older and elderly women, should be developed.
  • That all girls and women of reproductive age receive adequate menstrual hygiene management (MHM) materials and supplies, benefit from supportive infrastructure (e.g. female friendly sanitation facilities) and appropriate MHM information and education.
  • That specific measures be taken, training provided and monitoring take place to minimise the sexual abuse and harassment of female students by teachers and students. This should include measures to prevent stigmatisation and shaming of female students who have been raped and given birth to babies of rape, and of lesbian, bisexual and transgender students.
  • That safe, free childcare be made available to enable young and underage mothers to continue their education.
  • That systems are put in place to ensure safe passage for all women and girls paying particular attention to the needs of women and girls with a disability, when travelling to and from school and educational opportunities.

Examples of possible pledges:

A pledge inclusive of Women and Girls across all Age and Diversity Groups:

We x coalition of States pledge funding to develop inclusive Safe Return to Learning programs for all women and girls forced to discontinue their education due to the COVID pandemic. This will include targeted funding to assess and address the cross-cutting impacts of SGBV and the additional barriers faced by adolescent girls at heightened risk of forced marriage, girls and women with a disability, lesbian and transgender and women and girls, as well as women and girls from Indigenous and Stateless communities. This Pledge will address …… Plus issues from above. 

A pledge inclusive of all AGD groups:

We x consortium of education organisations pledge support for expanding access to age, gender and diversity inclusive education for refugees and host communities. This will include developing and monitoring the implementation of inclusive programs to support the safe and equal inclusion of all girls and boys, youth and women and men, including those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer, those who have a disability and others belonging to Indigenous, minority ethnic and religious groups. We will work in close partnership with refugee and local community groups, particularly those led by women, to identify and address the social, safety, health and economic barriers faced by the diverse groups in accessing education. This Pledge will address …… Plus issues from above.